Saturday, September 09, 2006


Going Straight

After several decades of being something of an autodidact in biology, I'm actually getting some formal education. I've enrolled at Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), which is a joint venture between IU Bloomington and Purdue at West Lafayette. It includes the IU Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, so there's a lot of strength in biology. Eli Lilly, the pharamceutical company, is a nearby resource.

My course is Biology K101. The course uses the Just-in-Time approach, in which students are asked to complete a Web-based warm-up exercise aafter the reading on a topic, but before the lecture. This gives the teacher a heads-up on topics that students may not understand.

My knowledge of biology is kind of a mile wide and a yard deep. I hope to get from this course more detail and depth, some lab experience, and the chance to meet some real biologists.

It should also give me some blog topics.

So my adventure begins.


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